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127th Battalion, CEF - Timeline for Canada

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July 29 Britain warns Canada of situation in Europe
Aug 2 Canada offers Britain troops for overseas service
Aug 5 Britain declares war
Aug 6 Britain accepts Canada's offer of troops
Aug19 The first volunteers begin to arrive at Valcartier Camp, Quebec
Sept 4 Approximately 32,000 men have assembled at Valcartier
Oct 3 1st Contingent Canadian Expeditionary Force sails for England
Oct 14 1st Contingent CEF arrives in England
Dec 21 Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry arrives in France
They are the first Canadian unit committed to battle in the Great War

Feb 07 1st Canadian Division begins moving to France
Mar 03 1st Canadian Division is responsible for 6,000 metre of front near Fleurbaix
Apr 01 1st Canadian Division is moved north to Ypres Salient
Apr 22 Battle of Ypres. First use of poison gas against the French
Apr 24 Battle of St. Julien. First use of poison gas against the Canadians
May 05 Lt-Col John McCrae of CEF writes In Flanders Fields
May 18 Battle of Festubert
May 25 2nd Canadian Division formed in Canada
June 15 Battle of Givenchy
Sept 19 Newfoundland Regiment lands at Suvla Bay in Gallipoli
Nov 16 Canadian launches their first trench raid at Riviere Douve
Dec 20 Newfoundland Regiment evacuated from Suvla Bay
Dec 25 3rd Canadian Division formed

Apr 06 The Battle of St. Eloi Craters
Jun 02 Battle of Mount Sorrel. Major General Mercer killed
Sept 15 Battle of Courcelette. First use of the tank and rolling barrage
Sept 26 Battle of Tiepval Ridge
Nov Sir Samuel Hughes, Minister of Militia and Defense fired by Prime Minister Borden

Apr 09 The Battle of Vimy Ridge
Jun 11 Prime Minster Sir Robert Borden
Aug 15 Battle for Hill 70. Firs use of mustard gas against Canadians
Aug 29 Conscription became law in Canada
Oct 26 The Battle of Passchendaele
Nov 20 The Battle of Cambrai
Dec 06 The Halifax Explosion - French munitions vessel Mont Blanc explodes in Halifax
Harbour killing almost 1600 people

Jan Conscription now in force
Mar 21 German offensive begins
Mar 30 Canadian Cavalry attack at Moreuil Wood
Aug 08 The Battle of Amiens - the beginning of what is known as Canada's Hundred Days
Aug 26 The Battle of Scaarpe
Sep 02 The Battle of the Drocourt-Queant Line
Sep 27 The Battle of the Canal Du Nord and Cambrai
Nov 02 The Canadian Corps capture the town of Valenciennes in its last major battle
Nov 10 The Canadian Corps reached the outskirts of Mons
Nov 11 At 10:58 am Private George Price of the 28th Battalion is killed by a sniper
Two minutes later at 11:00 am. The armistice came into effect.
The war was over

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